When you first read the title of this article you probably thought it sounded a bit ridiculous. Apparently it was ridiculous enough to get you to click on it, or you saw the potential of such a practice. Either way, I’m glad you decided to come see what this article […]
Strong Families
My amazing, perfect daughter is almost two years old. Until about a month ago, my wife and I have navigated parenthood without any major screen time requests from our daughter. We also had avoided any commercial influences on our daughter. For the most part she has been content with what […]
Everyone has 16 Great-Great Grandparents. 8 great-great grandfathers and 8 great-great grandmothers, 8 pairs of great-great grandparents. 4 paternal pairs and 4 maternal pairs. I will be conducting an intergenerational analysis on all of my great-great grandparents, to better understand who they were and what their lives were like, to […]
It always surprises me how little most people seem to know about their heritage and members of their families…especially their parents. I say especially their parents because parents are typically the closest people in your life at a young age, you would think after spending so much time with them […]
Journaling is all the rage these days. This is a great thing. I believe journaling is tremendously beneficial for mental clarity today and future reflection. It is also hugely beneficial for those you will eventually leave behind, especially your children. Think about it, you have thoughts, ideas, experiences, and goals […]
Three of my four grandparents were born in Arizona Territory, before Arizona was a state. The fourth, my dad’s dad, was born a few miles from the Arizona border. Interestingly, neither of my parents grew up in Arizona. They just happened to move there a few years before I was […]
The thought of consciously building a legacy naturally turns some people off. This is because many assume building a legacy means you think you are so important and special that you are better than everyone else. I agree that such a sentiment would be pompous and absurd. That is why […]
The other day I watched Hamilton for the first time. I knew a lot about Alexander Hamilton before seeing the musical, but one thing I didn’t know much about him was his family. After watching it I googled him and learned that he was in his late 40’s when he […]
Today I completed the biggest auto repair job I’ve ever done. It wasn’t that big of a job…just big for me. The starter in my wife’s car went out. After doing a little research online I found a very good video tutorial showing exactly how to do the repair on […]